So.... it's been quite a while since I last posted anything, sorry! First off, we had a great Christmas and I'll be posting pictures soon. We've had a lot going on lately. I just got done with my CNA class and will be going to take the state test and get certified sometime this month. I was certified in high school and thought it just wasn't for me, but I think I've definitely grown up a lot since then and I really enjoyed it. I also will be leaving my job at the credit union next week to go work at Mountain Ridge Assited Living as a CNA. I'm pretty excited, and nervous, but I will be able to start spending a lot more time with Maddie. I also start classes again at Weber State next week and I'm hoping to get into the nursing program for January.
Maddie has been doing great lately. She's learning lots and getting cuter everyday. I'll post some newer pictures of her soon too. She's learning a lot of new word and I love when she does her animal sounds. She's also turned into quite the stinker sometimes. I think she's getting into the terrible two's. If she doesn't get what she wants she turns into a little drama queen haha, but she's also the sweetest little thing ever too.
Family History...I am doing it!
10 years ago
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